July 19, 2024

Automated Project Proposal Creation with Airtable, Webflow and ChatGPT

Automated Project Proposal Creation with Airtable, Webflow and ChatGPT


In the fast-paced world of IT consulting and automation, efficiency is key to staying competitive and providing exceptional value to clients. At Value Added Tech, we recognized an internal need to streamline and automate our project proposal creation process. This need was driven by the desire to rapidly onboard new clients and compose project proposals in an efficient manner. Leveraging the power of Airtable, Webflow, Make.com, and ChatGPT, we developed a sophisticated automation solution that significantly enhanced our proposal creation workflow.


Before implementing the automation solution, our project proposal creation process was time-consuming and labor-intensive. It typically required the effort of two team members working for one to two hours to generate a comprehensive proposal. This manual process was not only inefficient but also limited our capacity to quickly respond to new client inquiries and opportunities.


To tackle these challenges, we designed an automation system using a combination of Airtable, Webflow, Make.com, and ChatGPT. The key components of our solution are outlined below:

Airtable Interface for Data Input and Storage

Airtable served as the cornerstone of our solution, providing a structured interface for inputting and storing data. Sales managers could easily enter project estimates, highlights, and other relevant information into Airtable. The interface was designed for simplicity and efficiency, ensuring that all necessary details were captured accurately.

Airtable frontend

Automated Data Creation Using ChatGPT

One of the standout features of our system was the use of ChatGPT to automatically generate project proposal data from a prompt. Sales managers only needed to provide an estimate and key highlights, and ChatGPT seamlessly distributed this information into specific fields within Airtable. This automation ensured that all essential data points were captured without manual intervention.

Validation and Syncing to Webflow

After the data was entered into Airtable, sales managers could review and validate the information. Once approved, a "sync" button triggered the automatic creation of a password-protected Webflow page dedicated to the potential client. This Webflow page was crafted specifically for each client, presenting all relevant project highlights, terms, and other pertinent information in a professional and personalized manner.

Implementation Details

Our automation solution followed a structured implementation plan to ensure smooth integration and optimal results. The steps involved are detailed below:

  1. Initial Assessment: We conducted an initial assessment to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement in our existing proposal creation process. This helped us pinpoint the specific requirements for the new automation system.
  2. Development: Leveraging the capabilities of Airtable, Webflow, Make.com, and ChatGPT, we developed the custom solution. This involved creating a centralized data structure in Airtable, integrating ChatGPT for automated data creation, and setting up the Webflow sync process.
  3. Testing and Validation: Rigorous testing was carried out to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the automation. We made iterative adjustments based on feedback from the sales team to fine-tune the system.
  4. Deployment and Training: Once validated, the system was deployed, and comprehensive training was provided to the sales team to ensure smooth adoption. Ongoing support was also offered to address any issues or questions that arose during the initial stages of use.


The implementation of the automated project proposal creation system led to remarkable improvements in our workflow and efficiency. Key results included:

  • Significant Time Savings: The automation reduced the time required to create project proposals from one to two hours to under 30 minutes. This allowed our team to reallocate their time to more strategic tasks.
  • Increased Conversion Rate: The personalized and professional Webflow pages for potential clients enhanced our proposal presentations, resulting in a 30% increase in conversion rates.
  • Streamlined Workflow: The seamless integration of data input, validation, and web page creation streamlined the entire proposal creation process, minimizing the risk of errors and ensuring consistency across proposals.

estimate webflow page


The automation of our project proposal creation process using Airtable, Webflow, Make.com, and ChatGPT exemplifies the power of innovative technology solutions in driving operational efficiency and business growth. By automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, we were able to enhance our responsiveness to client inquiries, improve the quality of our proposals, and ultimately achieve better business outcomes. This project serves as a testament to the transformative potential of automation in the realm of IT consulting and project management.

Contact Us: To explore how Value Added Tech can help your business achieve similar efficiencies and growth, contact us at sales@vatech.io.

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