July 29, 2024

How We Save $3000+ Monthly on Make.com with AI Automation

How We Save $3000+ Monthly on Make.com with AI Automation


In today's dynamic world, operational efficiency isn't just a bonus — it's a necessity. Many businesses spend too much time and money maintaining their Make.com automation workflows. Value Added Tech offers a smart solution to cut costs and save resources, helping our clients streamline their operations.


  • Excessive time and effort spent on identifying inefficient or outdated scenarios.
  • Difficulty in optimizing scenario settings without a treasure trove of detailed logs and metrics.
  • A foggy view of how efficiently their automation workflows were actually performing.
  • A ballooning budget due to unnecessary operations triggered by these scenarios.

For instance, the scenario shown above used to check some parameters of a contact but then took no further action due to filters. That led to the operations spending with no further impact. Our system helps detect these instances, assess the impact of false triggers, and optimize them.

Our Solution

To ensure that operations are not wasted on scenarios that do not contribute to the overall efficiency, the Value Added Tech team crafted an AI-driven automated system tailored to work seamlessly with Make.com and Airtable.

Airtable Interface Screenshot

Step-by-Step Implementation

  1. Kicking Off the Automation: We initiated an AI-based system that constantly monitors Make.com scenarios to identify inefficiencies.
  2. Blueprint Scrutiny: Our system dives into the scenario blueprints, examining general settings to understand how each scenario works.
  3. Zeroing in on Key Steps: Using AI, it identifies the crucial steps within each scenario that significantly impact data processing or transferring.
  4. Calculating Essentials: The system figures out the bare minimum steps necessary for a scenario to be deemed relevant, sifting out non-essential operations.
  5. Deep Dive into Scenario Logs: It meticulously reviews numerous recent scenario rounds to assess the data processed and the essentiality of each round.

Make.com scenario screenshot
Make.com filters

  1. Efficiency Audit: Weekly exports highlight scenarios with the lowest efficiency, providing insight into false consumptions.
  2. Auto Task Creation and Analysis: Scenarios flagged as inefficient automatically generate tasks, complete with a detailed analysis of triggers and points of optimization.
  3. Developer Empowerment: Developers receive a package of relevant metrics and information, drastically cutting down the time and effort required for optimization by avoiding the slog through endless logs.

Airtable interface screenshot

The Impact

Our solution delivered a host of invaluable benefits:

  • Boosted Operational Efficiency: The system saved our clients 600,000 operations within just the first days of use. We predict that the savings will exceed 3 million operations by the end of the first month.
  • Slashed Costs: This efficient automation setup leads to an almost immediate return on investment, slashing operational costs by roughly $3000 per month.
  • Proactive Scenario Detection: The intelligent system unearthed obsolete scenarios that were silently running in the background, consuming resources without adding value. Moreover, it flagged inefficient, amateur-constructed automations that were unnecessarily <b>draining Make.com operations.
  • Comprehensive System Support: The solution equipped the client with the necessary insights and metrics to maintain and manage large-scale Make.com systems efficiently across multiple stakeholders.

Beyond Immediate Gains

The project's positive outcomes extended beyond the obvious cost savings and time efficiencies. Here's what else we were able to achieve:

  • Enhanced Team Efficiency: Developers no longer needed to rummage through extensive log files to pinpoint issues. Our AI-driven metrics provided them with precise, actionable insights, freeing them up to focus on higher-value tasks.
  • Scenario Lifecycle Management: Our system helped in identifying scenarios that had become redundant over time, ensuring that the client's automation framework was always sharp and up-to-date.
  • User-Created Inefficiencies: We discovered several scenarios created by non-developer employees for their own tasks, which were not optimized and consumed more resources than necessary. Identifying and optimizing or eliminating these scenarios helped in reducing operations costs significantly.
  • Scalability and Adaptability: The solution's adaptability allows for easy scaling and tweaks according to evolving business needs and new automation workflows.

Clients Feedback

Our clients are thrilled with the outcome. The efficiency and savings achieved were beyond initial expectations, and the additional insights provided newfound visibility into their operational landscape. They appreciated the proactive nature of the system, which not only provided immediate financial benefits but also laid the groundwork for ongoing operational excellence. Furthermore, this is a compounding system that increases its efficiency and cost-effectiveness from month to month.


Saving money while enhancing efficiency can sometimes feel like chasing two rabbits at once — but not with the right technology and expertise. Value Added Tech's AI-driven system for Make.com scenarios brought remarkable, quick wins for our clients, coupled with long-term operational streamlining. This system helps us onboard clients with a large volume of automation, making the process fast even if a client has hundreds of active scenarios. This case study underscores how leveraging AI to optimize automation is a powerful strategy that delivers both immediate and lasting value.

If you're looking to cut down on costs, boost operational efficiency, and gain valuable insights into your workflows, don't hesitate to get in touch with Value Added Tech. Let's discuss how we can tailor our solutions to meet your unique needs. Reach out to us at sales@vatech.io.

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