August 27, 2024

Real Estate Management with Xano and Wized

Real Estate Management with Xano and Wized

Client Overview

A leading real estate company, specializing in connecting buyers and sellers with their ideal properties, needed a robust digital platform to manage property profiles and user interactions. Their existing platform was built using Webflow for front-end design, with handling back-end workflows and automation. However, as the company grew, they encountered significant limitations with the setup, including issues with scalability, performance, and data management. To overcome these challenges, the company partnered with Value Added Tech, a specialist in digital solutions, to rebuild their platform using Xano and Wized.


  1. Scalability Issues: The existing setup with could not efficiently handle the growing volume of property profiles and user interactions, leading to slow load times and a poor user experience.
  2. Data Management Limitations: Managing complex property profiles and user data within the existing CMS collections was cumbersome, limiting the company’s ability to customize and update profiles efficiently.
  3. Integration Complexity: The client needed a more integrated and flexible solution that could handle the growing complexity of their operations without sacrificing ease of use or performance.
  4. Seamless Transition: Ensuring a smooth migration of existing data and workflows to the new platform, without disrupting the service or user experience, was a critical concern.

Solution Provided by Value Added Tech

Value Added Tech approached the project with a focus on rebuilding the client’s platform using Xano for back-end database management and API creation, and Wized for front-end integration within Webflow. The key components of the solution included:

  1. Database and API Development in Xano:
  • Value Added Tech imported existing CMS collections and schemas into Xano, creating a scalable and flexible database architecture.
  • Custom APIs were developed in Xano to handle property profiles, user profiles, and related data transactions. This provided the client with real-time data management capabilities and the ability to handle increased traffic without performance degradation.
  1. Wized Actions and Functions Setup:
  • Wized was utilized to link Xano's back-end capabilities with Webflow’s front-end design, ensuring that all interactions, such as updating property profiles or managing user data, were handled efficiently and in real-time.
  • Custom functions were created in Wized to enable complex workflows, such as property searches, filtering, and user-specific content display.
  1. Enhanced Webflow Integration:
  • Value Added Tech integrated Wized attributes directly into the Webflow environment, optimizing the platform for dynamic content delivery and ensuring a seamless user experience.
  • Additional features were added to enhance the platform’s functionality, such as real-time property availability updates and personalized user dashboards.
  1. Migration and Testing:
  • A comprehensive migration strategy was developed to transfer data from to Xano, ensuring data integrity and minimal downtime.
  • Extensive testing was conducted to validate the new setup, ensuring that all functionalities were working as intended and that the user experience remained smooth and intuitive.


  1. Improved Performance:
  • The new Xano-based architecture resulted in a 35% reduction in load times for property searches and profile updates.
  • The platform now handles 50% more concurrent users without performance issues, supporting the client’s growth ambitions.
  1. Enhanced Scalability:
  • The platform can now scale effortlessly to accommodate new properties and users, with the potential to handle 100% more data than the previous setup.
  1. Increased Efficiency:
  • The streamlined workflows and improved data management reduced the time required to update property profiles by 40%, enabling the client to react more quickly to market changes.
  1. User Satisfaction:
  • User engagement metrics improved, with a 20% increase in time spent on the platform and a 15% decrease in bounce rates due to the enhanced user experience.


By transitioning the real estate platform from to a robust Xano and Wized-based solution, Value Added Tech successfully addressed the client’s challenges around scalability, performance, and data management. The new setup not only supports the company’s current needs but also positions them for future growth, with a more efficient, scalable, and user-friendly platform. This project highlights Value Added Tech’s ability to deliver tailored digital solutions that drive significant improvements in both operational efficiency and user satisfaction.

If you’re looking to transform your business operations and drive outstanding results, reach out to us at Let us help you make the leap into a more efficient, tech-driven future.

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