January 28, 2025

What steps are required to set up a reactivation campaign for churned customers in HubSpot?

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Step 1: Identify Churned Customers

  • Navigate to your HubSpot Contacts section.
  • Filter out contacts based on the last interaction date or purchase date.
  • Export these contacts or categorize them under a new list named "Churned Customers" or similar.

Step 2: Define Your Campaign Goals

  • Determine the KPIs or objectives you want to achieve, e.g., X% of re-engagements or X number of renewed subscriptions.

Step 3: Segment the Churned List

  • Segment based on the reason for churning (if known) such as pricing, product dissatisfaction, etc.
  • Consider segmenting by the customer's lifecycle stage, value, or time since last interaction.

Step 4: Develop Your Reactivation Message

  • Create targeted messages for each segment. Ensure they address the specific reason for churning.
  • Offer incentives such as discounts, new features, or loyalty bonuses to entice them back.

Step 5: Design Your Email Template

  • Navigate to HubSpot’s email tool and create a new template.
  • Ensure the design aligns with your brand and the tone of your reactivation message.

Step 6: Create the Reactivation Workflow

  • Go to the ‘Automation’ tab and select ‘Workflows’.
  • Opt for ‘Start from scratch’ or use a template if available.
  • Set the enrollment trigger based on the "Churned Customers" list.
  • Add your reactivation emails in the workflow.
  • Space out emails with adequate time gaps and include decision branches based on interactions (e.g., send a follow-up if the recipient opened the previous email).

Step 7: Monitor Responses & Interactions

  • Keep an eye on open rates, click-through rates, and the number of customers who re-engage.
  • Track the feedback or reasons given by those who respond.

Step 8: A/B Test Your Campaign

  • Create variations of your emails with different subject lines, content, or offers.
  • Monitor which version yields the best results.

Step 9: Optimize Based on Feedback

  • If you’re receiving feedback from customers on why they churned, use this information to refine your campaign or make changes in your service/product.

Step 10: Analyze & Report Results

  • After the campaign is concluded, measure its success based on your KPIs.
  • Use HubSpot's analytics tools to generate detailed reports.
  • Identify areas of improvement for future campaigns.

Step 11: Incorporate Feedback into Business Strategy

  • Use insights from the reactivation campaign to make necessary changes in other areas of your business, such as product development, customer service, or pricing strategies.

Step 12: Regularly Update the Churned Customers List

  • Continually add to and refine your list of churned customers to ensure you're always targeting the most recent and relevant audience in future reactivation campaigns.

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