August 20, 2024

How to Integrate Xano with Stripe

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If you've ever wondered how to combine the backend power of Xano with the payment processing proficiency of Stripe, you're in the right place! Integrating these two platforms can seem a bit overwhelming, but don't worry — we'll break it down into simple steps. Let’s get started on your journey to streamlined transactions and happier users.

Step 1: Set Up Your Stripe Account

First things first, you’ll need a Stripe account. If you don’t already have one, head over to the Stripe website( and sign up. After registration, ensure your account is fully verified and you have your API keys ready. You’ll need both the publishable key and the secret key to integrate with Xano.

Step 2: Prepare Xano for Integration

Sign in to your Xano account and navigate to your workspace. If you haven't created one yet, go ahead and set it up. In your workspace, create a new API endpoint where you’ll handle the Stripe logic. This endpoint will act as the communication link between Xano and Stripe.

Step 3: Install the Stripe Plugin

To facilitate the integration, you'll need to install Stripe's official library. In Xano, navigate to the “Plugins” section and search for the Stripe plugin. Install it and configure it using the API keys you obtained from Stripe. This helps Xano communicate directly with Stripe's secure servers.

Step 4: Create the Charge Logic

Now comes the fun part — creating the charge logic. In your newly created API endpoint, set up the necessary operations to handle payments. This will likely involve a POST request to Stripe’s charge endpoint. Here’s a simplified example of the JSON structure you could use:

  "amount": 2000,
  "currency": "usd",
  "source": "payment_source", // This should be the token received from Stripe
  "description": "Payment for Order #order_id"

Here, amount is in the smallest currency unit (cents for USD), currency is the transaction currency, and source is the payment token sourced from the front end.

Step 5: Secure Your Transactions

Security is crucial. Make sure to handle sensitive data like the payment_source (Stripe token) securely. Use environment variables for your API keys and avoid hardcoding them into your scripts. On top of that, ensure you’re using HTTPS to encrypt the data in transit.

Step 6: Test Your Integration

Before going live, test your integration thoroughly. Create some test charges using Stripe’s test cards. This will help you ensure that everything works as expected and that there are no hidden issues. Monitor both Xano and Stripe dashboards to verify the successful processing of your test transactions.

Step 7: Go Live

Once testing is successful, you're ready to go live. Switch your API keys from test to live mode in the Stripe dashboard and update them in Xano. Double-check everything, especially your security measures and transaction logging, to ensure a smooth experience for your users.

Final Thoughts

Integrating Xano with Stripe might sound technical, but with a bit of patience and following these steps, you'll be able to create a seamless payment system. Automation can save you a lot of effort and make your user experience much smoother. Happy coding!

Looking for more advanced features like handling subscriptions or detailed payment reporting? Both Xano and Stripe offer extensive documentation and robust APIs to take your project to the next level.

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