July 28, 2024

How to Automate Sales Processes with Make.com in Enterprise Settings

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Managing sales processes in an enterprise setting can be a real juggling act. With multiple tasks, customer interactions, and data points to handle, keeping everything in check can be overwhelming. That's where Make.com (formerly Integromat) steps in to make your life easier. This guide will show you how to automate your sales processes using Make.com, enhancing efficiency and productivity.

Why Automate Sales Processes?

Before diving into the “how,” let's touch on the “why.” Automation helps you:

  • Save Time: Reduce manual data entry and repetitive tasks.
  • Enhance Accuracy: Minimize human errors.
  • Improve Productivity: Let your team focus on high-value activities.
  • Boost Customer Satisfaction: Ensure timely and consistent communication.

Getting Started with Make.com

Step 1: Sign Up and Set Up Your Account

First things first, head over to Make.com and sign up for an account. Once you're in, you'll land on the dashboard. Here, you can start creating your first automation scenario.

Step 2: Create a New Scenario

Click on the “Create a new scenario” button. Make.com will ask you to choose the first app you want to integrate. Let's say you want to automate the process of adding new leads from your website to your CRM.

Step 3: Choose Your Triggers and Actions

Select your source, such as a form submission on your website. Make.com supports various platforms like Google Forms, Typeform, and more. This will be your "trigger."

Next, select your destination, like Salesforce or HubSpot CRM, where you want the data to go. This will be your "action."

Step 4: Map the Data

With both trigger and action set, the next step is to map the data fields. Ensure that every field from your form (e.g., name, email, phone number) correctly matches the corresponding field in your CRM. This step is crucial for data consistency.

Step 5: Test the Scenario

Before you roll out your automation, give it a test run. Use Make.com’s in-built testing feature to see if the new leads are being added to your CRM correctly. Check for any errors or mismatches and adjust as needed.

Step 6: Activate and Monitor

Happy with the test results? Activate your scenario and let it run! But don't just set it and forget it. Regularly monitor the automation to ensure it's working smoothly and make adjustments as necessary.

Advanced Tips

Utilize Webhooks

For more complex automations, make use of webhooks. Webhooks allow for real-time data transfer between platforms, ensuring that your sales data is always up-to-date.

Multi-Step Scenarios

Sometimes one trigger and action aren't enough. Make.com supports multi-step scenarios where multiple actions follow a single trigger, such as sending a thank-you email after adding a new lead to the CRM.

Conditional Logic

Use Make.com’s built-in conditional logic to create more sophisticated automations. For example, if a lead’s email domain matches a high-value account, you can automatically assign it to a senior sales rep.


Automating your sales processes with Make.com can transform how your enterprise manages sales tasks. By following the steps outlined above, you can streamline operations, improve data accuracy, and boost overall productivity. Ready to revolutionize your sales processes? Head over to Make.com and get started!

Remember, automation is not a one-and-done deal. Continuously monitor, refine, and expand your automated workflows to adapt to new business needs and challenges. Happy automating!

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