July 28, 2024

How to Connect Make.com with Project Management Tools for Enterprise Projects

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If you're managing large-scale projects, having a robust project management system is a game changer. But what's even better? Integrating that system with Make.com (formerly Integromat), a powerful automation tool that simplifies workflows and boosts productivity. Let’s dive into how you can hook up Make.com with your favorite project management tools.

Step 1: Set Up Your Make.com Account

First things first, you need a Make.com account. If you haven’t already signed up, head over to the Make.com website and register. The free version has enough features to get you started, but if you're dealing with complex enterprise workflows, consider a premium plan.

Step 2: Choose Your Project Management Tool

Make.com supports integration with a variety of project management platforms like Asana, Trello, Jira, and more. Decide which tool you want to integrate based on your team's needs. Each tool has unique features, and choosing the right one can make or break your workflow.

Step 3: Create a New Scenario

In Make.com, everything revolves around scenarios. Scenarios are sequences of automated steps that perform actions for you. Go to your dashboard, click on "Create a new scenario," and select the project management tool you’d like to connect.

Step 4: Connect Your Tool

  1. Add Module: Click on the "Add Module" button and search for your project management tool.
  2. Authorization: You'll usually need to log in to your project management account and grant Make.com permission to access it.
  3. Set Triggers: Choose events that will trigger actions in Make.com. For example, you can choose to trigger an action when a new task is created in Asana.

Step 5: Design Your Workflow

Once connected, you can design your workflow. This involves specifying what happens when the trigger is activated. Let’s say you want to create Trello cards for new tasks in Asana:

  1. Add Action: After specifying your trigger, add an action module. This could be something like “Create a Card” in Trello.
  2. Map Data: Map the relevant fields between Asana and Trello. This involves selecting what information will be transferred between the two tools, like task names, descriptions, and due dates.

Step 6: Test Your Scenario

Before you let it run wild, it’s crucial to test your scenario:

  1. Run Once: Click on the "Run Once" button to see if everything works as expected. This will execute your scenario without actually saving the changes.
  2. Verify: Check both Make.com and your project management tool to verify that the tasks are being created, moved, or updated as intended.

Step 7: Activate and Monitor

Happy with the test? Great! Activate your scenario by toggling the activation switch. Make sure to monitor its performance for a few days to ensure everything is running smoothly. Make.com offers analytics to help you keep track of your scenarios' performance and offers insights for further optimization.

Bonus Tips

  1. Custom Templates: Use or create custom templates to save time on recurring tasks.
  2. Error Handling: Set up error handlers to ensure your workflows don’t break when something unexpected happens.
  3. Notifications: Enable notifications to get alerts when something goes wrong.


Integrating Make.com with your project management tools can massively enhance your team's efficiency and collaboration. By following these steps, you’ll set the stage for smoother workflows, reduced manual errors, and more time to focus on what really matters—running your enterprise projects successfully. Happy automating!

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