July 28, 2024

What is the best practice for using Make.com in large organizations

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So, you’re diving into the world of automation with Make.com (formerly Integromat) and you’re part of a large organization. Awesome! Automation can be a massive time-saver and efficiency booster. But where do you start? Well, there are some best practices to keep in mind when implementing Make.com in a large-scale environment to ensure smooth operations and scalability. Let’s dig in!

Setting Up Efficient Workflows

1. Start Simple

Don’t try to boil the ocean on day one. Begin with simple workflows to get the hang of things. Start with automation that addresses everyday repetitive tasks. As your team becomes more comfortable, gradually move on to more complex scenarios.

2. Use Templates

Make.com offers a plethora of pre-built templates. These can be great starting points and can save a ton of time. Customize them to fit your organization’s specific needs instead of creating everything from scratch.

3. Document Everything

For large organizations, documentation is your best friend. Keep detailed records of each workflow, including what it does, who set it up, and any maintenance notes. This practice makes it easier to troubleshoot and manage workflows long-term.

Maintaining Security

1. Assign Roles and Permissions

Proper role assignment is critical. Not everyone needs full access. Make.com allows you to set permissions based on roles. Ensure that team members only have access to the workflows pertinent to their responsibilities to minimize security risks.

2. Regular Audits

Conduct regular audits of your workflows to ensure compliance with organizational policies and regional regulations. Make sure to review who has access to what and update permissions as needed.

3. Data Encryption

Always enable data encryption to ensure that sensitive information is securely handled. Make.com offers data encryption features that help in safeguarding your critical data.

Optimizing Team Collaboration

1. Centralize Management

Centralizing the management of your Make.com account can mitigate errors and streamline workflow creation. Designate a central team or individual responsible for overseeing all automations.

2. Naming Conventions

Use consistent naming conventions for your workflows, folders, and variables. This will make it easier for everyone to understand and locate specific workflows, especially when multiple teams are involved.

3. Training and Support

Invest in training programs so that everyone knows how to use Make.com efficiently. You can also create a support system where experienced users can help newcomers or troubleshoot issues as they arise.

Monitoring and Reporting

1. Use Built-in Analytics

Make.com features built-in analytics tools that allow you to monitor the performance of your workflows. Keep an eye on these metrics to spot any bottlenecks or failures that might need attention.

2. Set Up Alerts

Configure alerts to notify you of any critical issues, such as workflow failures or security breaches. This proactive approach can help you address problems swiftly before they escalate.

3. Iterative Improvements

No workflow is perfect out of the gate. Regularly review and iterate on your automations to ensure they remain aligned with your organization’s evolving needs.


Implementing Make.com in a large organization doesn’t have to be daunting. By following these best practices—starting simple, maintaining strict security, optimizing team collaboration, and keeping an eye on performance—you can efficiently automate workflows and significantly boost organizational productivity. Ready to get started? Happy automating!

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